Spanish syllabusB1: learning goals
Your teacher adapts the learning plan to your needs.
B1.1: Talking on the phone:
Learn to have phone conversations
Telefónica: The telephone revolution
Presente de subjuntivo: regular verbs
B1.2: Writing e-mails and letters:
How to write e-mails and letters (formal and informal)
Correos: The postal service of Spain
Present subjunctive: sensations and feelings
B1.3: What's on the television?:
Discuss television programs
Los Serrano: The show that impacted television
Presente de subjuntivo: express wishes and wills
B1.4: Boardroom banter:
Talk about business conferences or networking events
La Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR) in Madrid
Present subjunctive: opinions and recommendations
B1.5: Managing problems:
How to find a solution to a problem
Everyday disagreements or problem-solving in customer service situations
The Ombudsman: resolving conflicts since 1978
Subjunctive (present): opinions and recommendations
B1.6: This is unfair!:
Learn how to put a complaint in a constructive manner
Present subjunctive: probability and hypothesis
B1.7: Let's debate!:
Give your opinion and engage in discussions
Make your point with arguments
Verbs to express feelings with the indicative and subjunctive
B1.8: Newspapers and magazines:
Newspapers and magazine's vocabulary
Written and digital press
The role of the Spanish press during the democratic Transition (1975-1982)
B1.9: Advertising and publicity:
Different forms of advertising
Traditional and modern publicity
The newspaper "El País" and the iconic adverts of the 1980s
B1.10: Movies and genres:
Vocabulary on movies and genres
Movie streaming concepts
San Sebastián International Film Festival
B1.11: Radio and podcasts:
Vocabulary on radio
Podcasts and streaming platforms
Iñaki Gabilondo and the success of "Hoy por Hoy"
Imperfect and preterite: past tenses
B1.12: Music: yesterday and today:
Music vocabulary and concepts
Music streaming platforms
Paco de Lucía and Camarón de la Isla: the revolution of flamenco
Past imperfect of irregular verbs: "ser, ir, ver"
B1.13: The social media era:
Everyday concepts of social media platforms
The phenomenon of influencers in Spain and Andorra
Present Perfect Indicative: Morphology and Uses
B1.14: Browsing the web:
Basic usage of the web and the Internet
Internet cafés in Spain
Pretérito pluscuamperfecto de indicativo: morphology and uses
B1.15: Travel aspirations:
Sharing future travel dreams.
Adventure on Mulhacén Peak: The Summit of Sierra Nevada
Condicional simple
B1.16: Ideal habits and values:
Talk about the habits and values you wish for.
El Almuerzo Valenciano
Condicional posible (valor de presente)
B1.17: Awaiting passions:
Talk about the passions and hobbies you wish to pursue.
Talk about what is stopping you.
El Trinquet: Passion for the Pilota Valenciana
Condicional posible (valor de futuro)
B1.18: Occupation: expectations and reality:
Share your work expectations and contrast with your reality.
Diego Velázquez, established painter of Spain
Condicional compuesto de indicativo
B1.19: Desires and wishes:
Talk about unfullfilled wishes and desires.
B1.20: Happy and difficult times:
Reflect on happy and difficult life events.
Simple Future vs. Future Perfect: Morphology and Uses
B1.21: Legacy and tribute:
Talk about the legacy you want to leave behind.
B1.22: Anatomy:
Learn the body parts in detail.
"La Venus del Espejo", by Velázquez
B1.23: Doctor check up:
Asking for a medical appointment.
Getting a doctor check up.
The health center in Spain: How does public healthcare work?
La voz pasiva: objeto indirecto
B1.24: Specialisted doctors:
Talk about your experiences with different specialists.
Ramón y Cajal, the forest of neurons
Opinion verbs: creer, pensar, ...
B1.25: At the farmacy:
Discussing symptoms with your doctor.
Asking for a medicine at the farmacy.
B1.26: Nutrition and diet:
Talk about the nutrients and components of foods.
Talk about your daily food diet.
B1.27: Self-care and mindfulness:
Talking about your mental health and selfcare.
Going to therapy and mindfulness retreats.
Nature as therapy in the Picos de Europa and Pyrenees
Contrast between "porque" and "para"
B1.28: Healthy and unhealthy habits:
Discuss healthy and unhealthy habits from your life.
La Ruta del Bakalao (music, partying and excess in the 80s).
Indefinite pronouns "algo" and "alguien"
B1.29: Injuries and pains:
Talk about body pains and common injuries.
Rafael Nadal: The Warrior of Spanish Tennis
B1.30: Personal budget:
Talk about your personal finances.
The manager and the bank account
Noun subordinate clauses: infinitive and conjugated
B1.31: Retirement plans:
Planning your retirement.
The retirement paradise: foreigners on the Spanish coast
Adverbial subordinate clauses of: place, manner, cause, purpose
B1.32: Insurances:
Manage your house, car and other insurances.
Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros
Consecutive adverbial subordinate clauses of indicative and subjunctive
B1.33: Unemployment:
Getting fired from work.
What to do after losing your job?: SEPE and unemployment
Temporal adverbial subordinate clauses I
B1.34: Relationships and break-ups:
Navigating hard moments in relationships.
Breakups, divorce and heritage.
Inheritances in Spain: How do they work?
Temporal adverbial (subordinate) clauses II
B1.35: Perceptions and actions:
Take responsibility for your own feelings and actions.
Hacienda and tax return
Structures for expressing gratitude and apology
B1.36: Becoming parents:
Being a mother or father for the first time.
Verbs "estar" and "ser": advanced uses
B1.37: Big life changes:
Talk about big life changes.
Registration and residency, the basics for living in Spain
B1.38: Relocating:
Manage vocabulary about relocating for work or study.
Relative and interrogative adverbs: dónde, cuándo y cómo
B1.39: Houseviewing:
Find a new place to live.
Vocabulary for buying and renting a place.
When the bricks fall: the 2008 real estate bubble
B1.40: Language barrier:
Use key phrases for overcoming language barriers.
Discuss the difficulties of learning a new language.
Spain: One country, many languages and accents
Uses of "se" in Spanish
B1.41: Culture shock:
Superando las barreras del choque cultural
B1.42: A new routine:
Starting a new job overseas.
Having new habits.
New Year's Eve at the Puerta del Sol
Connectors: ya, además, todavía,...
B1.43: Integration and social network:
Conversar con personas nuevas
B1.44: Homesickness:
Express feelings coming from homesickness.
Discuss strategies for coping with homesickness.
B1.45: Handling bureaucracy:
Managing administrative procedures.
The appointment system