How to start teaching?

Join a team that cares for its students and teachers.

Teacher uploading their CV to coLanguage

Create your online profile

Complete your online resume and get your profile approved.

Person holding up a clock

Set your availability

Describe your availability to see open jobs.

Teacher giving a remote lesson to a coLanguage student

Get students and start teaching!

You can apply for open jobs and we contact you for groups.

Who can teach with us?

We work exclusively with professional and verified teachers who share our core values.

  • You are a trained linguist

    We require a university degree in linguistics.

  • You are a traveller

    You like discovering and learning about other cultures.

  • You think long term

    We guarantee course consistency to our students, and we only work with long-term partners.

  • You are structured

    We require teachers to follow a structured program and structure the learning plan of our students.

Teacher looking at the camera with coLanguage learning materials

Manage your school with us?

Automate your school administration and get support with learning materials.

  • Track class attendance

    Track the attendance of your students.

  • Automate payments and invoicing

    Students can pay online or by bank transfer and receive a proper invoice.

  • Automate class preparation

    You have access to our learning materials and to class preparation tools.

  • Get new students

    If you match our criteria, we actively promote your school in our active cities.

Teacher looking at the camera with coLanguage learning materials

Why teach with us?

We support our teachers with learning tools and automation.

Small and dedicated team

We work with a small number of well-trained teachers to ensure quality for both our teachers and students.

Motivated students

Our learning solutions are designed for motivated and long-term students.

Learning materials support

We support you with structured learning materials, including audio, video, and exercises for use during your lessons.

Less lesson preparation time

Our platform helps you prepare your lessons with automated worksheets and lesson materials.

Administration automation

We automate lesson administration and learning history tracking.

Homework and level test automation

Homework and grading are integrated into our platform.

Teach where and when you want

You can decide the intensity of your monthly schedule and teach when you want.

Payment security

Teach worldwide and be assured of your payment.